Whistleblowers laws: how to handle a protected disclosure
Date - 14 August 2019
Venue - Bartier Perry
Bartier Perry is proud to host this Women On Boards event.
New Federal whistleblower laws commenced on 1 July 2019. How will your organisation handle and manage protected disclosures? Now might be an opportune time to review the procedures surrounding whistleblower disclosures in your organisation - particularly as a failure to act on a disclosure can result in the matter being reported to the media or Parliament with potential reputational damage.
While the poor handling of disclosures can result in a culture of silence and lost opportunities for improvement, sound management of a disclosure can result in a more ethical culture. It can avoid reputational damage and prosecution for breach of the whistleblower laws.
WOB Director, Mary Sue Rogers, brings us an engaging Director's Circle with law firm Bartier Perry and specialist presenter, James Mattson from Bartier Perry.
5.30 - 8PM
Bartier Perry - Level 10, 77 Castlereagh Street, Sydney